Important Posts
May 19, 2007
Video of The Month
May 18, 2007
Nick Carter Saves the Dolphins
I don’t think all of this is enough though. His actions will no doubt inspire millions (if not billions) of kids across the globe, but he also needs to work with the dolphins themselves. Maybe by teaching them dance moves, they can attract attention from careless boat drivers and save themselves from being hit by boats. And by giving them singing lessons, Nick can teach them how to soothe the vicious minds of poachers through the power of songs. Finally, by letting some dolphins live in the House of Carters for awhile, he can teach them the power of love. The sky’s the limit.
I also expect that several other boy bands will be joining Nick in his never-ending struggle for animals. Any day now, JC Chasez will probably start campaigning for the Saiga Antelope, and I expect Nick’s little brother Aaron to start campaigning for the Aquatic Warbler. Soon, we’ll have pop stars across
The Walrus
Apr 25, 2007
Canada Strikes Back
Five years ago, Canadian-born Omar Khadr was captured in
The main point here is that
So what should
-The Walrus
Apr 21, 2007
A Whole New Spin On Gun Control
- War In Iraq
- VT Shootings
- 2008 Election
- Alberto Gonzales
- Sanjaya?
A-ha! Gordon R. Dickson, a 20th century science fiction author from Canada! Of course! In December 2000, he published a work that is a radical new view on what gun control (or lack thereof) could be. Unfortunately, he died in 2001 so The Newsernet was not able to secure an interview in time for this post. Nevertheless, I believe the point speaks for itself.
I now present the greatest thing ever.
That is all.
-Jam Cam
Apr 15, 2007
Woe is Me (and IRC)

Boop. Woah? A new message? Someone standing at the gates to welcome me to the paradise of IRC, as St. Peter guards the gate to enter heaven?
12:40:31 PM: hy pls join #onlinesex #onlinesex #onlinesex #onlinesex #onlinesex #onlinesex Cel mai tare canal de sex!!Aici poate vei gasi ceeace cauti!Daca iti place canalul te rog nu uita sa il bagi la favorit si autojoin..thanks }{}{}{}{
Quick Quip
Apr 6, 2007
Video Of The Month
No More Mr. Nice Guy... Oh Wait, Nevermind
- March 23rd - 15 British sailors are doing a routine patrol on the HMS Cornwall, a name so British, only the British could come up with it. The Iranians seize them, claiming they were in Iranian waters.
- Hilarity ensues.
- The whole world says they were in Iraqi waters and smart people agree.
- Iran responds, "Ummm, no."
- Iran takes some tapes of the prisoners and maybe violates the Geneva conventions. Nothing new here.
- The whole world gets a little more pissed off.
- Iran nukes London.
- Or not. They just give them back with a box of Peeps as an Easter present.
- Lame.
Crisis Scale Rating (0-10)
-Jam Cam
Mar 18, 2007
It's time to catch up with the present people!
300 is a movie that's based off the comic book (or for those that speak the lingo, graphic novel) that shares the same name by Frank Miller. This story recounts the famous Battle of Thermopylae that took place during the Greco-Persian wars. While 300 doesn't stick completely to the story, it still follows the same basic concept that 300 Spartans along with about 700 Thespians (the Greeks, not a bunch of actors spouting Shakespear at the Persians) fought against an invading Persian army. Now the number of the
The movie is pretty sweet, if I say so myself. I mean, who doesn't like seeing hordes of guys just getting ripped apart by barely clothed dudes with spears? And if you saw the movie you know, that if a movie can get an entire audience completely fired up to the point of yelling battle cries during the movie, then it must be a pretty darn good movie. So why is it getting yelled at by everyone?
Well critics don't like it because of the fact that most of the scenery and many of the people are done through computer animation. But honestly, this is the jump into the new era of movies that we've all been waiting for. It's like when Star Wars took the chance at being a story with good guys as good guys, at a time when the movie world was dominated by movies that made the bad men into the main characters. Through this computer animation, I saw landscapes and battles that were completely amazing, and that made me love the movie even more. I don't see a reason why film critics can't get it into their heads that this is the way movies should be made now, especially because they can be made at lower costs for higher profit, and that's is a good thing people.
And another thing, I keep reading how Iranians (the current day Persians) are getting all pissed off because of how the Persians are depicted in the movie. Listen, these aren't really how they looked, obviously. Many of the character models were taken from a COMIC BOOK. I mean you don't see people getting pissed off when they read a Hulk comic because that's not what real Americans look like when they're mad. I read something where someone made the comment "Well Xerces' grandfather passed the first human rights bill". Well that's super, but this story is about Xerces, and frankly during the movie I couldn't care less if his grandfather had been the one to think of the English language. And also stop saying that the movie over-exagerates. The Persians lost, GET OVER IT.
So all in all, if I was you, and you were debating whether to see 300, debate no longer. The movie is worth it, and I garantee that afterwards you will want nothing more than to pick up a spear and start killing things. But please, don't go killing things.
Storm Tracker 3000
4 Years? Well, Time Flies When You're Havin' Fun.
Take Hawaii for example. In '59, Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill giving it statehood on March 18th. Why aren't we celebrating that instead of moping about some war that may or may not have destroyed a nation (or two)? Hawaii has given us a place to have the Pro Bowl (finally!), an amazing vacation spot & countless spectacular TV Specials. So thank you very much, but I'll spend my March 18ths with an umbrella in my Cherry Coke Zero instead of protesting the Pentagon.
And some other crazy stuff happened too. Like my third-favorite credit-card company, American Express, being founded. And the first Bat Mitzvah. And Queen Latifah was born (sweet!). And Dane Cook (damn!). Oh, and, apparently, the world was created. So suck on that liberals.
Jam Cam
Mar 17, 2007
Book Review: What's the Matter With Kansas?
One of a never-ending series of reviews, critiques and general complaints and raves about stuff like books and movies and whatever.
What is the matter with Kansas, you say?
In this impressive book, Thomas Frank recounts both the recent economic and political history of middle America (specifically, Kansas, his home state) as well as the various forces that created the almost backwards shift of the state from liberal to extremely conservative. He includes tales of his childhood dreams of entering the conservative elite, and explains the "backlash" of today's political culture that ends up pitting the working man against himself. It really is a sweet read. Although there isn't any espionage or explosions, if you have an attention span enough to read this post I'd imagine you could read deep enough into this book to be hooked. Whether you are a democrat, republican or straight-up libertarian, it makes a very entertaining and hopefully enlightening read. ****/*****
Quick Quip
Mar 16, 2007
Boy, that's a kick in the nuts...
Answer, neither of those countries is the right one. In actuality, it was India, that other country with 1/6 the world's population. Now you're probably thinking to yourself "wait a second, how did they find this out in the first place?". Well I'll tell you, little one. Apparently after they recieved their 1 billionth phone call from dudes complaining that their condoms fell off while they were in the middle of sex, India decided to look into it further. They got together a little group of 1,000 men, of all different characteristics (such as whether they were urban or rural, their caste, all different things) and they pretty much just measured their penises up to the millimeter. I don't know about other guys, but I would feel just a little uncomfortable if someone was staring that hard at me, trying to decipher the exactly exact to the extreme size of my penis.
Anyways, they found that the majority of condoms made to the international size were too large for most Indian men, and that's why they kept falling off. So now there are special smaller condoms being made for India, and with a country with as high an HIV transmition rate as India, it is actually important for them to get these things addressed and taken care of quickly. And also, I think that India just went out with a big laugh at the rest of the world, because even though they have the smallest penises, they certainly have the biggest balls for announcing this to the entire world. Touche India...
Storm Tracker 3000
Video games. Headshot.
Shut up. Please.
Though the average discussion of video games, video gaming and how large your World of Warcraft characters nads are tends to rarely evolve past the above state of conversation, the video game industry continues to raise impressive profits and turn more kids into headshot-dealing sociopaths. Why is this, you inquire? Well, we aren't there yet. I still havent mentioned how awesome the Wii is. It is really cool. I mean you move the stick thing all like "scheeew" and the guy goes.... I apologize. It must be contagious. Nonetheless, let us analyze why we love using death-rays against aliens and jumping on the heads of mushrooms.
Theory #1: Life sucks. Video games are fun.
Video games offer a way to escape the usually sucky world of real life. No need to do homework, pay insurance or fix the toilet in poke world. This may be way people who have sucked away so many hours of their life playing video games are shocked to realize when they go outside that they are failing their classes, have had their car stolen and there is a lot of... something... in the toilet.
Theory #2: Video Games are addictive.
Perhaps there is something about them, besides the whole "OH SNAP I JUST CAPPED YO MAMA" factor. Perhaps a sound very low on the hertz scale, or a certain microwave emission from your Xbox 360 that reminds you, "You haven't played counterstrike in a while, have you Johnny?" Naturally, the voice would be a seductive feminine voice, since we all know only guys play video games.
Theory #3: Making up for lacking somewhere else.
Are you asking for a challenge? I think not. Because I will destroy you. Any game. Name the place. Name the time. You can even pick the level. But I'll face-crush you in any video game. No, I don't have any friends, or a job or even a scrap of a social life. But you bring your turbo controller, and I'll bring my multi-tap, and we'll see who the real man is.
Quick Quip
Newsernet, ONLINE!
Quick Quip
Storm Tracker 3000
Jam Cam
The Walrus