Mar 18, 2007

It's time to catch up with the present people!

So I don't know if you've heard, but there's this new movie out, that's getting a lot of crap from different sides. Now usually, I'm all for bashing something if it sucks, however the problem here is that this movie doesn't suck at all. In fact, this movie's opening weekend gross rated it third highest rated R movie EVER. This movie is non-other than 300 of course.

300 is a movie that's based off the comic book (or for those that speak the lingo, graphic novel) that shares the same name by Frank Miller. This story recounts the famous Battle of Thermopylae that took place during the Greco-Persian wars. While 300 doesn't stick completely to the story, it still follows the same basic concept that 300 Spartans along with about 700 Thespians (the Greeks, not a bunch of actors spouting Shakespear at the Persians) fought against an invading Persian army. Now the number of the Persians jumps from anywhere between 250,000 to 1,000,000 because huge numbers like that weren't around then, so there was no real way of getting an acurate count of the Persians. Anyways, we all know how this small Greek force stood against the Persians for three days until a traitor Greek led the Persians to a mountain pass that led behind the Greeks, making their phalanx (look it up) tactic pretty useless.

The movie is pretty sweet, if I say so myself. I mean, who doesn't like seeing hordes of guys just getting ripped apart by barely clothed dudes with spears? And if you saw the movie you know, that if a movie can get an entire audience completely fired up to the point of yelling battle cries during the movie, then it must be a pretty darn good movie. So why is it getting yelled at by everyone?

Well critics don't like it because of the fact that most of the scenery and many of the people are done through computer animation. But honestly, this is the jump into the new era of movies that we've all been waiting for. It's like when Star Wars took the chance at being a story with good guys as good guys, at a time when the movie world was dominated by movies that made the bad men into the main characters. Through this computer animation, I saw landscapes and battles that were completely amazing, and that made me love the movie even more. I don't see a reason why film critics can't get it into their heads that this is the way movies should be made now, especially because they can be made at lower costs for higher profit, and that's is a good thing people.

And another thing, I keep reading how Iranians (the current day Persians) are getting all pissed off because of how the Persians are depicted in the movie. Listen, these aren't really how they looked, obviously. Many of the character models were taken from a COMIC BOOK. I mean you don't see people getting pissed off when they read a Hulk comic because that's not what real Americans look like when they're mad. I read something where someone made the comment "Well Xerces' grandfather passed the first human rights bill". Well that's super, but this story is about Xerces, and frankly during the movie I couldn't care less if his grandfather had been the one to think of the English language. And also stop saying that the movie over-exagerates. The Persians lost, GET OVER IT.

So all in all, if I was you, and you were debating whether to see 300, debate no longer. The movie is worth it, and I garantee that afterwards you will want nothing more than to pick up a spear and start killing things. But please, don't go killing things.

Storm Tracker 3000

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