Mar 18, 2007

4 Years? Well, Time Flies When You're Havin' Fun.

There's been a lot of hullabaloo (you're damn right I spelled that correctly) lately about the 4-year anniversary of the War in Iraq, which happened to be today. "Nation Decries 4 year-old fight", "War Protests at 4-year Mark", "Thousands Protest as War Enters 5th Year". Even freakin' Al-Jazeera got into the act. But I will not stand for this massacre of March 18th by a bunch of hippie-liberal-leftwing-FoxNewshatin'-Colbertloving pricks. March 18th is a great day, and personally, I was happy celebrating some other, much more relevant, anniversaries.

Take Hawaii for example. In '59, Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill giving it statehood on March 18th. Why aren't we celebrating that instead of moping about some war that may or may not have destroyed a nation (or two)? Hawaii has given us a place to have the Pro Bowl (finally!), an amazing vacation spot & countless spectacular TV Specials. So thank you very much, but I'll spend my March 18ths with an umbrella in my Cherry Coke Zero instead of protesting the Pentagon.

And some other crazy stuff happened too. Like my third-favorite credit-card company, American Express, being founded. And the first Bat Mitzvah. And Queen Latifah was born (sweet!). And Dane Cook (damn!). Oh, and, apparently, the world was created. So suck on that liberals.

Jam Cam

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