Mar 16, 2007

Boy, that's a kick in the nuts...

So it would seem that after decades of horrific battle, the loser of the "my penis is bigger than your penis" war has been found. Now you're probably wondering who it was that took the fall for the rest of the world. Well let's break this down shall we? It's deffinately not us, or the rest of the Americas (I bet you thought it was the Canadians...), it ain't Europe, or Africans, or Asians (well most Asians). Now you're probably looking at that last remark and thinking "A CLUE!". Well your powers of observation seem to serve you well enough so that you can see what I laid out in front of you on a shiny plate. So let's think of some Asians here. You could think North Korea and reason that that's why they're always pissed off about something. You could think China and so they over-compensate by having 1/6 of the world's population. Or you could think Japan and that's why they got so into their video games and tech gadgets. So which one will it be?

Answer, neither of those countries is the right one. In actuality, it was India, that other country with 1/6 the world's population. Now you're probably thinking to yourself "wait a second, how did they find this out in the first place?". Well I'll tell you, little one. Apparently after they recieved their 1 billionth phone call from dudes complaining that their condoms fell off while they were in the middle of sex, India decided to look into it further. They got together a little group of 1,000 men, of all different characteristics (such as whether they were urban or rural, their caste, all different things) and they pretty much just measured their penises up to the millimeter. I don't know about other guys, but I would feel just a little uncomfortable if someone was staring that hard at me, trying to decipher the exactly exact to the extreme size of my penis.

Anyways, they found that the majority of condoms made to the international size were too large for most Indian men, and that's why they kept falling off. So now there are special smaller condoms being made for India, and with a country with as high an HIV transmition rate as India, it is actually important for them to get these things addressed and taken care of quickly. And also, I think that India just went out with a big laugh at the rest of the world, because even though they have the smallest penises, they certainly have the biggest balls for announcing this to the entire world. Touche India...

Storm Tracker 3000

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